Winter Skincare : 5 Ways to Maintain Healthy Skin during the Winter Months
Unless you have the option to move down south and live on a beautiful tropical island (please take me with you if you do), then you know that the harsh Ottawa winter weather is just around the corner and the inevitable discomfort of dry flaky skin is right along with it.
Luckily for us, we can prevent the dreaded itching, flaking and cracking of dry skin by adding a few steps to our daily beauty regimen. We’ve prepared five tips on how to keep your skin healthy and happy for the upcoming winter months.
1. Hot showers – a big NO, NO.
Nothing feels better than to steam up your washroom with a hot shower or bath during the cold winter months. We’ve all been there and at times we even choose to stay in a little longer just to soak up a few extra minutes of warmth. While we might enjoy it while it lasts, our skin takes a beating from this ritual. The hot water easily strips many of the oils naturally produced by our skin, making it more susceptible to drying out. Instead, we suggest you opt for a 5-10 minute lukewarm shower. I know, less enjoyable, but much better for your skin.
2. Moisturize – but do it right.
First things first… get high-quality moisturizer and put it EVERYWHERE. Put it near the bathtub, shower, and every sink in your house, this way you are bound to remember this super important step towards healthier skin. It’s important that you lather up the moisturizer within the first minute out of your shower. This way the cream locks in the moisture on your skin from your recent soak. Every time you wash your hands remember; step 1 – soap, step 2 – moisturizer.
3. Not just any Moisturizer
The quality of your moisturizer is really important. That doesn’t mean go out and spend a fortune – after all, I did just suggest you keep moisturizer around every corner. Next time you’re picking out your lotion, take a peek at the ingredients. Try to avoid moisturizers that contain preservatives, harsh scents and additives, as these can easily irritate your skin and can even promote dryness during the winter months. Instead turn to a moisturizer that contains more naturally sourced ingredients. If you are unsure of which products to use, ask a skincare expert.
4. Scrub, scrub, scrub
While lathering on moisturizers is recommended, make sure your cream has access to all your fresh skin. Dry skin tends to flake off, but over an extended period of time. You need to exfoliate your skin (rid yourself of the dead skin cells) before applying any moisturizing products. While it is suggested to exfoliate once or twice a week during the summer months, don’t be afraid to exfoliate up to three times a week.
That being said, be cautious of the products you use to get rid of that dead skin. Try to avoid scrubs that are nut and plastic-based, these tend to be very harsh and can lead to irritated and damaged skin. We suggest you opt for exfoliants that are glycolic acid, AHA/BHA based or natural scrubs such as sugar, clay, papaya, or Dead Sea mud based. (Check out next week’s blog on “DIY exfoliating scrubs – the natural way to scrub”)
5. Bundle up!
Areas of your body such as your face, hands, and ears have relatively thin skin, which is prone to harsh weather conditions. Protecting these areas by throwing on a hat, mitts and a cozy scarf will protect the skin and prevent further damage. As for your feet, keep those boots dry! Keeping your feet in wet and cold footwear can irritate your feet.
Have any tips of your own? Want quick tips on any other beauty or health issues you may have?
Let us know and we may just include them in one of our upcoming blogs.