
Tattoo Removal

Looking to give parts of your body a new canvas? Our state-of-the-art laser technology at Concept Medical can provide you with the fresh start you're looking for to redefine your look.

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Tattoo Removal

The Spectra laser, which is a type of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, is commonly used for various dermatological procedures, including tattoo removal. Here’s how tattoo removal works with the Spectra laser:


A trained laser technician evaluates the tattoo to determine the number of sessions required, potential results, and any specific concerns. Factors to consider include the tattoo’s size, color, location, age, and the individual’s skin type.



  • The skin is cleansed to prepare for the treatment.
  • A topical numbing Cream is put on the area to be treated and left for 20 minutes to ensure a more comfortable treatment.
  • Protective eyewear is provided to the patient and the practitioner to shield against laser beams.
  • The Spectra laser is set to the appropriate settings for the specific ink colors in the tattoo. The Q-switched laser emits rapid pulses of light energy that target the tattoo ink particles in the skin.
  • As the laser light is absorbed by the tattoo ink, the particles are broken down into smaller fragments.
  • Depending on the size and color complexity of the tattoo, the session can last from a few minutes to over an hour.

Post-Treatment Care:


  • The treated area might appear red, swollen, and may feel like a sunburn. This is a normal reaction and generally subsides within a few days.
  • Direct sun exposure should be avoided, and sunscreen should be applied to prevent skin pigmentation changes.
  • Blisters and scabs may form; it’s crucial not to pick at them and let them heal naturally.

Number of Sessions:

Removing a tattoo requires multiple sessions (usually 10-12+) spaced 4-8 weeks apart. The number of sessions depends on the depth, density, and color of the ink. Black and darker colors are often easier to remove than brighter colors.

Potential Side Effects:

Risks include hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, scarring, infection, and incomplete tattoo removal. Proper post-care and working with an experienced practitioner can reduce these risks. After undergoing a Q-switched laser treatment for tattoo removal, there is typically some downtime, but it’s often minimal in terms of needing to take time off work or daily activities. It is important to remember that with all laser treatments, risks are possible and results do vary.


Q-switched lasers like Spectra are considered the gold standard for tattoo removal because they can effectively break down tattoo pigments with minimal damage to the surrounding skin.

tattoo removed
tattoo removal before
tattoo removal after
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